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단기 다이어트 성공했어요 🙂

다이어트 식단부터 다이어트 보조제 추천까지 모두 모아봤습니다.

1년 365일 살을 빼고 싶었는데 생각대로 되지 않더군요. 운동보다는 다이어트를 해야하는데 세상은 맛있는게 넘쳐서 매번 실패하는데… 조금만 신경쓰면 원하는 체중을 되찾을 수 있었던 좋은 리뷰입니다.

다가오는 여행을 위해 비키니를 입고 싶다.

45kg을 넘지 않도록 체중을 관리해야 한다고 생각했는데 어느 순간 몸이 50kg까지 쪘다.

옷을 입어도 몸이 안 보이고, 사온 옷도 작아져서 옷장에 쳐박혀 있어서 좀 스트레스였어요. 단기 다이어트를 시작했을 때 체중 감량이 정말 즐거웠습니다.

내가 원하는 비키니를 입을 수 있을 것 같은 느낌이 들었어요!
저도 예전의 몸매라인으로 돌아가고 싶어서 운동을 많이 하고 있었어요. 헬스장, 요가, 사이클링 등 매일 운동을 하려고 노력하고 있어요 >_<. However, after experiencing it this time, it is clear to me that diet comes first when it comes to losing weight. Currently, I weigh around 44 kg on an empty stomach, and when I eat a little, I weigh around 45 kg. I'm trying to get to 43 kg, so I'm consistently following a low-carb, high-fat diet and taking supplements. Of course, I'm not missing out on exercise to get a solid line. Each person has a method that suits them. There may be some, but I am writing this in the hope that my diet method will be helpful. A low-carb, high-fat diet. Recommendation of diet supplements. Management so far and organizing thoughts. I will divide the story into three parts. I summarized the diet I followed. Low-carb, high-fat refers to a good diet that is low in carbohydrates and rich in protein and fat. The term ‘tandanji’ can be seen as similar to this. I also practiced intermittent fasting, which involves a slightly longer fasting time. The first meal was light enough to not be burdensome, such as eggs, I mainly ate avocado, chicken, nuts, lettuce, and beef. Start the day with a cup of coffee to satisfy your empty stomach. A tip is to eat as regular a meal as possible for lunch, but with fewer carbohydrates!
I ate just enough to not feel overly full. Since I have a lot of concerns about yo-yoing, I tried not to cut out all the food and just enjoy what I wanted to eat at least once a day. Maybe it's because I took the supplements with me, but I feel less sorry for my body haha. I heard that it helps cut carbohydrates, so carry it in your bag and don't forget : ). For dinner, I followed a clean, low-carb, high-fat diet. Fish and tofu are good, and there are more things to eat than you think, such as pork (lean meat-neck meat), beef, salmon, and chicken. It's especially delicious when you sprinkle nuts on the salad. When it got late and I was hungry, eating about 5 cherry tomatoes helped a lot. I recommend diet supplements. I bought them with my own money. I like the two most. I take them in turns every few months. I chose them because I don't like starvation diets. I wanted to manage them so that the yo-yo effect doesn't occur. I was satisfied. The reason why I chose it because it is individually packaged and easy to carry around in my bag : ). Above all, I liked the GMP manufacturing facility that complies with the ingredients and quality control standards. It turned out that it had won an award, so I was satisfied that I had made the right choice. It contains 5 complex functional main ingredients and 6 types of auxiliary ingredients. It's really good because it even contains vitamins that are troublesome to take, right? The main ingredients are garcinia cambogia extract, green tea extract, niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin D. Please note that the secondary ingredients are hyaluronic acid, mixed lactic acid bacteria powder, fish collagen, pumpkin extract powder, mixed vegetable powder, and mixed fruit powder. If you are curious about the ingredient list, the photo above will be helpful. Garcinia is a fruit called cambogia, and it is said to be helpful in dieting and weight loss. Body fat mass, body fat percentage, BMI, fat area reduction, etc. are also known through human test results. It was difficult to control my food, but what I like most is that it contains Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA), which helps reduce visceral fat and body fat by inhibiting the synthesis of carbohydrates into fat. It also contains supplementary ingredients to help reduce body fat. Controlling the diet helped me to supplement the missing nutrients to some extent. I think I was able to manage it on an ongoing basis instead of going on a starvation diet : ). In the case of vitamin D, pantothenic acid, and niacin, I like it because it meets the daily recommended amount. Take it to Continues after commercial. Next subject author Cancel I tried the diet supplement I chose and went on a short-term diet. Play 4 Like 0 Like Share 0:00:00 Play Mute 00:00 00:54 Live Settings Full Screen Resolution Auto 480p Disable Subtitles Playback Speed ​​1.0x (Default) Resolution Auto (480p) 1080p HD 720p HD 480p 270p 144p Subtitles Setting Disable Options Font Size Background Color Playback Speed ​​0.5x 1.0x (Default) 1.5x 2.0x An unknown error occurred. Help is muted. Help License This video can be played in high definition. Try changing the resolution in the settings. Learn more 0:00:00 Collapse/Expand The diet supplement I chose, I tried a short-term diet.The diet supplement I chose, I tried a short-term diet.#Short-term diet#Diet supplement#Diet supplement recommendation While practicing a short-term diet... I eat food In front of me, I forget the thought of having to lose weight haha. But you can't live in a world that is far from reality. I think I felt less burdened because I was able to meet people and enjoy food in moderation. In any case, I was taking diet supplements along with my regular low-carb, high-fat diet, so my body was in trouble. I don't think it was too much of a problem. This holiday season, I enjoyed eating a little more generously to celebrate my short-term diet success. If I had just dieted, it would have been difficult for me, but these days, I'm not afraid of looking in the mirror or stepping on the scale >_<. -5~6kg 정도 감량해서 놀랐어요. 이제 저탄수화물 다이어트는 느슨해졌지만 보충제는 빠질 수 없을 것 같아요 :). 습관적으로 하루 2회 아침, 저녁 2개씩 복용하고 있어서, 없으면 허전한 느낌이 듭니다.

이번에는 한달분의 비용을 들였습니다.

이제 주문했으니 열심히 받아봐야겠습니다.

그런데 내 돈으로 산 것은 네이버스토어가 아니어서 링크가 안되네요? ㅠ_ㅠ.그나저나 이번에 입고 싶었던 드레스를 주문했어요 하. 지금까지 저탄수화물, 고지방 다이어트와 단기 다이어트 보조제를 추천하며 성공스토리를 공유해왔습니다.

너무 굶으면 몸이 망가질 수 있으니 적당히 즐기면서 관리하도록 노력하겠습니다.

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